
The One I Long For Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The sun hadn't even risen in the sky the next morning before the sound of a loud bell penetrated the sleepy silence that had covered the coalmine.

"RING!!!!!!!  RING!!!!! RING!!!!!"  Called the bell over and over again, determined to wake every last soul up in the camp.

"What is that!?!?" shouted Lavi above the noise, covering his ears with his hands.

"That is the wake-up bell!" Hollered Crack.  "We are still getting used to it as well!"

Soon, the bell's ringing came to an abrupt halt, as a chorus of moans and yawns rose from the now not-so-peaceful-camp.


"Agh!  Fine!  Fine! I'm awake!" moaned Allen, covering his own ears with a pillow.  "Just give me five more minutes!  I was in the middle of a good dream!"  Crack just laughed at the boy's complaints before pulling the blankets from Allen's body.  "Hey!" shouted Allen as he sprang from his bed, finally starting to wake up.  "Give those back Crack!"

"Nope!  Now that you are living in the coal mine you need to contribute to the camp just like everyone else!  Get ready or I'll hide these down in the mine!"  

Allen knew it was pointless to argue and gave up the chase with a sigh.  

"Besides, if we don't hurry, we will miss breakfast!  Look!  The line is already getting long!"  Crack was right.  The camp, while it looked small from afar, actually was the home to a lot of men.  From where Allen was standing, he could count at least 50 men walking towards the line that was already 70 people long.

"Wow!" commented Lavi, letting out a low whistle.  "How many people ARE there here exactly?"

Momo glanced at the two teens.  "I think there are about 700 of us here, women included."

"700!" replied Allen, eyes widening.  "How do all of you guys get fed?"

"There are about 250 women who get up real early, even earlier than us, who make the food here." answered the man as he ran his hands through his hair.  "Looks like your girlfriend had a painful morning."

"Yo you guys!" came a voice from across the camp.  All four people turned to see Crack waving his hands from the line.  "Come quick!  They made bacon this morning, and it's running out fast!"  That did it.  Before anyone could blink, all four of them were running over to join Crack.

"Single file!" came Lenalee's voice from over all the morning talk.  "Single file everyone!  You know the drill, take a tray and get in line!"

"Good morning Lenalee!" called Lavi from the back of the line.  "How was your night?"  Lenalee just looked over at the boys and sighed.  "You know Lavi, you are just lucky I am too tired to come over there right now!"  Allen felt a pang of sympathy for Lenalee as he grabbed a tray.  The girl looked like she was going to fall asleep standing.  He wondered what time she had actually got up.  Judging by how many mouths there were to feed, it must have been early.

"Wait, only one serving?" cried Allen, looking at his plate.  The woman behind the counter had only given him two eggs, a piece of toast, one thing of butter, and two strips of bacon.

"Sorry kid." Said the woman.  "We only made enough for one serving each."

"Isn't there some way to get more?"  The woman shook her head.  Allen nodded once before bowing and getting out of line with his food.

"Seems like you're gonna be going on a diet here Allen!" laughed Lavi, nudging his friend in the ribs.  Allen just sighed.

"I don't need to go on a diet.  I'm going to miss Jerry's cooking."

"Jerry's gonna really surprised when you come back thin as a twig!"

"What I would do for a cup of your coffee Eaze." Said Momo, yawning as he sat down.

"Maybe you can buy some with my money that you stole from me!" replied Crack, sitting down next to his friend.

"I can make you some if you get me some coffee beans." offered Eaze as he caught up with them.  Crack and Momo scooted out of the way to make room for their friend.

"That would be great."

"You guys obviously never had Lenalee's coffee." Commented Lavi, digging into his meal.  "She makes the best coffee around!"

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that."  Crack looked over at the teen.  "Little Eaze here can make one mean batch of coffee too!" he said, patting Eaze on the head.

"Maybe you two can have a contest some time," replied Allen, smiling at the boy.  "I bet Lenalee would like that."  Suddenly, their meal was interrupted by another loud bell.

"What?  Time to work already?" Said Lavi in disbelief.  "I just sat down!"

"When you work in a coal mine, you have to learn to eat quick," laughed Momo, taking up everyone's dirty dishes.

"Were not even done yet, right Allen?" wondered Lavi, turning to his friend.

"What are you taking about Lavi?" said Allen, handing Momo his dish.

"What?  How did you finish so quickly?"  Allen just stared at him, waiting for Lavi to realize just what he was asking.

"Ah!  There you two are!" came a voice from behind them.  Allen and Lavi turned to see Roger standing above them.  "Today is your first day of work!  Aren't you excited?"  The man laughed at the boy's blank expressions.  "Hey Crack, would you mind explaining to these young boys how this place works?"  Crack smiled as he stood up.

"It would be my pleasure sir!"  

Roger just laughed once more as he patted the man on the back.  "That's my old friend!"  

"Well, be best be getting off you two." Said Crack, standing up with Eaze.  "Just do what we do and you'll be fine!"

It was several hours before the day was finished.  Allen and Lavi felt as if they couldn't take another step!  They were so tired!  Almost every joint in their body was sore and it was so painful to move!

"I don't even WANT to know how bad I'm gonna feel tomorrow." moaned Lavi, wincing as he got up from the bench.

"Don't worry about that," answered Crack as he landed a hard slap on Allen's shoulder.  Allen resisted the urge to cry out.  "All new-bees have a hard time the first week or so, but you'll get used to it."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it.  I wish I was working in the kitchen with Lenalee!  At least she doesn't have to move rocks all day!"

"The women at this camp don't have it easy either." Commented Momo, taking a sip from his drink.  "Remember how many people there are to feed?  She has to keep getting up that early for the rest of the time you guys are here!"

"True."  Just then they saw Eaze get out of the dinner line and walk over to them, a small package sitting next to his food.

"Look guys!" Said Eaze, sitting down at the table.  "Look at what Erma gave me!"  Everybody seemed to lean in as Eaze unwrapped the bundle of cloth.  Inside was a small piece of chocolate, barely the size of Allen's thumb, but Eaze was smiling down proudly at it.  "Erma said she found this while going through some supplies.  She doesn't know how good it is, but she doesn't think that chocolate goes bad, so she gave it to me!"

"She must have known what day it was today," muttered Momo.  Allen looked over at the two men and saw them glance at one another, before getting up from the table.

"Eaze, say here for a minute please.  Momo and I have to go get something."  Crack dusted off his clothes.  Still smiling, Eaze nodded.

Allen and Lavi watched as the two men disappeared into their living quarters.  A few moments later, they emerged, Crack carrying a medium-sized box in his hands.

"Happy Birthday Eaze!" Both men cried in unison, sitting down next to the boy.  Allen blinked in surprise as they handed Eaze his present.  He didn't know it was the boy's birthday!  Everyone seemed to hold their breath as Eaze unwrapped the box.  As the boy peered inside his face seemed to light up.

"A top!" Cried the boy, holding up the object for everyone to see.  Eaze was right, it was a wooden top about the size of his helmet, complete with rope and launcher.  Allen and Lavi turned to face the two men.

"We got it on our day off, a few days before you came." added Crack, answering the unspoken question.  "Eaze still had to work that day, but we didn't and ran over to town and used the money we had saved to get this for him."

"Well, do you like it Eaze?" asked Momo, ruffling his hand through the boy's hair.  Eaze nodded vigorously.

"I love it!" he cried, throwing his small arms around his friends.  "Thank you!"  Allen smiled as the three friends embraced one another.   Suddenly, the night bell sounded, signaling that it was time for everyone to go to sleep.  As Allen crawled into bed, he could not resist one last glance at the three friends.  They really are like a family.


It had been three days now since the trio of friends had arrived at the mining camp.  It seemed like longest days of Allen and Lavi's lives.  Every morning they would get up before sunrise, then work for seven straight hours mining in the coalmine before they took a break for lunch.  And then afterwards they would mine another six hours until it was time for dinner.  Allen was starting to get very tired.  Not having enough food can do things to a person, especially to a certain white-haired teen.  The trio had, however, gotten to be good friends with Crack and the gang.  Allen could see why Tyki had chosen them to be his friends.  They were a good group of people.

"Yo Lavi," called Momo, looking over down the mine.  "Have you seen Eaze lately?  He was supposed to be coming back with the coal down the mine a while ago."

"Nope." Came Lavi's reply.  "Haven't seen him all day."

"What about you Allen?" Asked Crack, picking up a shovel.  "Seen him lately?"

"No, but I can go and check to see what's up!" Answered Allen, pitting his mining stuff down and taking off his gloves.  "I'll be back in a few minutes ok?"
Now where could that kid have run off to?  Wondered Allen, walking past the inhabited part of the mine.  I hope he didn't get lost.  This place is huge!  "Eaze?" Called Allen, kicking away some stray rocks.  "Eaze? Eaze you back here?"

"I'm over here Allen!" came Eaze's voice from the mine.

"Where?" wondered Allen, turning on his headlight.  "I don't see you!"

"Make two rights and a left and you'll see me!" came Eaze's voice again.  Allen did as he was told, and sure enough, there was Eaze, pulling behind him a large sack of coal.  "Sorry I'm late!" said the boy, looking over at Allen.  "This thing is really heavy!"

Allen walked over to the boy. "Here.  Let me get that for you."

"No wait don't!"  Allen stopped and looked.  Suddenly, the roof of the cavern caved in, showering the two with heavy rock.

"Eaze!" shouted Allen, pulling himself to his feet.  "Eaze!  Are you alright?  Eaze!"

"I'm fine!" came Eaze's voice from under the rubble.  "I'm just stuck!"

"Hold on Eaze, I'll get you out!" said Allen, activating his Innocence.  Transforming his hand, Allen brought his claw down, making a small opening in the rubble.  "Eaze?  Eaze!  Do you think you can climb through here?"

"Yeah." Replied the boy.  "But hold on, I wanna check something out."


"I said I want to check something out.  There is something in here that doesn't look like a normal rock."  Allen blinked.

"Why don't you bring it out here?"

"Sure!" A few minutes later, Eaze emerged from the rubble.  He was covered from head to toe in soot, but otherwise, the boy looked unharmed.  In his left hand he was holding something very interesting indeed.

"Eaze." said Allen, his heart racing.  "Hand me that."  Now it was Eaze's turn to blink.

"Why?  Do you know what it is?"

"I might.  Just let me take a look."  The child obediently opened his hand to reveal what he had found, watching the teen.  Allen's heartbeat sped up as he realized what it was.  Innocence!  We have found the Innocence piece!

"So, do you know what it is Allen?" asked Eaze, looking up at the boy.  But Allen never got to finish his sentence, for at that moment, the earth started to rumble.

"Quick!" shouted Allen, grabbing hold of the child's other arm.  "We have to get out of here!  There might be another cave in!"

"No." said Eaze, being pulled along.  "I've been in cave-ins before!  This feels different."  Different?  Allen's heart sped up as he realized that they were the only ones in the cave.  Where did everyone go?  Allen's heartbeat sped up even more as he activated his eye, looking down below him.  Akuma!

"Lavi!"  Shouted Allen, finally emerging from the cave and spotting his friend.  "Lavi!  There's Akuma!  Get everyone out of here!"  Lavi immediately stopped what he was doing, running over to the two boys.  But he never made it, for all of a sudden, the floor of the cave erupted in a new shower of coal.

"At last." Came a raspy voice.  Allen's heart seemed to freeze.  "At last!"  Allen could only look up in horror as a large Akuma's head appeared from within the ground.  "AT LAST WE HAVE FOUND THE INNOCENCE!!!!!!"
And, I leave you with a cliff hanger! And I will continue to do so for the next 3 weeks! yay! :dance: So as I promised, Chapter 6 was long too! Hope you enjoyed!

Also, you can read my story here too: [link]


WARNING!!! This fanfic for D.Gray-man is SHONEN-AI!!!! (That means boyxboy!) The pairing is Tyki Mikk x Allen Walker

Cover page: [link]

Chapter 1: You are here

Chapter 2: [link]

Chapter 3: [link]

Chapter 4: [link]

Chapter 5: [link]

Chapter 6: You are here

Chapter 7: Coming Soon!
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ArtsyShionai's avatar
I'm really liking this story!! :heart: :) But boo for ending it with a cliffhanger. ):